What is your ONE THING?

Noel Powers
2 min readFeb 2, 2021


“What’s the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” The infamous question positied by authors Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Today there is an overabundance of all things: thoughts in our heads, information bits and pieces, noise, stimulation. Every person alive seems to desire nothing more than to add more to what’s already inside our head like somehow “more” is going intrinsically add value to us.

But the wise have always seen the path to success and freedom as a reduction strategy… like solving an equation by first reducing fractions and parentheses into real numbers- Then you perform simple arithmetic to balance the equation, find the answer. I find that self-direction works in a similar way.

Most of my waking hours are spent helping entrepreneurs create a cohesive Vision for their company, to reduce enough noise in their minds to funnel their deepest desires of personal or organizational impact into a functional blueprint they and others can act on. How do you accomplish such a thing:

First clear your mind, step away from everyday work. Now think of your ONE THING. If you could only accomplish one thing in life, what would it be?

Great start! If you would like an exercise that walks you through the process of creating a cohesive Vision so that you can instantly Lead and Grow more effectively click the link: https://app.convertkit.com/forms/designers/1808534/edit

Now go change the World- Be the Entrepreneur



Noel Powers

I am a professional organizer and business coach of 20 years. My passion is helping Entrepreneurs Grow and Lead their companies with Vision.